Tannery “Natalin” (Żyrardowska Street)

Funeral of killed tanners, 1945, collection of Willa Radogoszcz

Tanners at work, before 1939, collection of Kaminski’s family

Tannery, photo by J. Arczewski, Urząd Miasta w Grodzisku Maz.

The wall of tannery, photo by S. Deptuszewski, collection of Willa Radogoszcz

The educational path "Trail of memorial sites"

The place of first group execution carried out by the SS soldiers on the citizens of Grodzisk Mazowiecki. On 20 September 1939 in the tannery 11 persons were shot. In 1970 a plaque commemorating the victims of the massacre was unveiled. During occupation the tannery became an asylum for refugees: people displaced from the province of Poznań, children from Zamojszczyzna and for people who fled from Grodzisk’ ghetto.